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Advanced Training
Motor Speech Disorders (e.g., Apraxia)
Orofacial Dysfunction; Orofacial Myofunctional Disorders
Phonological Disorders
Reading Difficulties (e.g., Dyslexia)
Learning Differences
Understanding the Orofacial Complex: The Evolution of Dysfunction -IAOM (5 day, 28 hour course )
SOS Approach to Feeding (4 day course)
Beckman Oral Motor Assessment & Intervention
Childhood Apraxia of Speech Advanced Training Workshop - Dr. Edythe Strand (2 day course)
Oral Placement Therapy-Talk Tools (12 hour course)
PROMPT Training (level 1 & 2)- The PROMPT Institute (combined 6 day course)
Orton-Gillingham Training (8 day, 60 hour course)
Sensory Integration Training - USC (100 hours)
My Approach
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